Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Movie Review Overtime Hindi 2012

There are some films which are brilliantly made, tackle with potent plots and project commendable acting but get stuck in the pipeline for lack of funds, no distributers etc. and then there are some films which are stuck in the pipelines but should really never see the light of the day. Director Ajay Yadav's Overtime belongs to the second category.

Overtime belongs to Khushi (Swati Sharma), a young aspiring film actress in Mumbai who is undergoing her struggling phase. In the interim she does her 'Overtime' to make ends meet, by entering the world of flesh trade and starts working as a high profile call girl.

Fate lands her in the mean, bad world of sex-trade, debauchery, corruption as she comes across morally depraved people from corrupt politician Aatre (Satish Kaushik), to big time builder Huda (Yashpal Sharma), his ambitious secretary Liza (Aarzoo Govitrikar), womanizer architect Rajeev (Zakir Hussain), to film co-coordinator Shankar (Vijay Raj). In the middle of all this is Khushi, who is holding on to her dream of being a Heroine, struggles to keep her hope alive against all odds. Whether she finally achieves what she wants follows through the rest of the plot.

The slant of a struggling actress into the world of flesh trade is a topic dealt with a million times before. So one only looks forward to a better or shall we say different execution. However, if there's an award for the worst execution of the storyline ever, it sure shall go to filmmaker Ajay Yadav who ruthlessly goes ahead ruining his film.

Overtime is replete with production errors, continuity flaws, tacky shots and shoddy acting. The film only meanders meaninglessly without entertaining or passing any message or conveying any point. Moreover, the film has ear-splitting songs as fillers to make the movie viewing experience all the more unbearable.

The costumes are garish, cinematography lowly, music deafening and acting faulty. What's worse, Ajay Yadav goes ahead wasting a fairly decent cast consisting of the likes of Satish Kaushik, Yashpal Sharma, Zakir Hussain and Vijay Raaz by making them ham all the time.

To sum it up, Overtime can be a crash course for budding filmmakers on things NOT to do while making a film. Best avoided for the rest.

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