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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Review Naughty Professor Malayalam

'Naughty Professor' rests on a fairly outlandish idea that runs out of steam in no time. It is a relentlessly offensive film that drives you crazy with unfunny and annoying gags.

The professor (Baburaj) spends a bit too much time working out in the mornings, gulping down protein and health supplements, while his wife Karthika (Lekshmi Gopalaswami) who has given up a highly successful acting career for her family, looks after the kids. Over the years, she has learned to live with the professor's strange ways, but insists that there is a limit to everything

 When the professor gets arrested for immoral traffic, wifey sees red and leaves in a huff, only to return in red a couple of scenes later. The intention, say the makers, is to teach the erring hubby a lesson, and Karthika ventures back to showbiz with a vengeance, and starts acting in television serials, much to the professor's disappointment.

What should be specially noted in this regard is that women who refuse to abide by the 'rules of the family' tend to dress up trendily, and only their transformation could make them sport traditional attire again. Karthika in her vengeful avatar sports wigs and costumes that a devil wouldn't be caught dead in, and we start praying for her to see sense again, so that normalcy be restored at the earliest.

The script is certainly not one that merits a detailed analysis of any kind. I need to ask you if you are aware of an immense disaster that is about to befall mankind called 'ED' that is an offshoot of Diabetic Neuropathy? And if you haven't, 'Naughty Professor' has plenty to offer you in terms of the psychological stress that a person with ED goes through.

I really haven't got a clue as to what the intentions behind this naughty film are. It serves little amusement, no artistic purpose and not even a few decent laughs. It does strike a few warning bells though, the most prominent one being that the audience is simply unwilling to let someone shove utter nonsense down their throats in the name of new generation cinema.

Baburaj was immensely good in the role that he had essayed in 'Salt 'n Pepper' but in 'Naughty Professor', neither the film nor its hero makes easy watch. Lekshmi Gopalaswami tries really hard to bring in that extra bit of oomph into the affairs, but the results are disastrous. Lena and Tini Tom are wasted, and a person like Balachandran Chullikkad is cast in a role that is downright ridiculous, and made to mouth offensive dialogues as well.

'Naughty Professor', let's admit it, is no 'American Pie for the Middle Aged', and it neither works as a sex comedy nor as a family entertainer. That this uncomfortably boring film gets stretched to a couple of hours and more make the trauma all the more unbearable.

Rating : 2/5

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